A re-introduction to Innabox 💊 hello new pals! 👋

A re-introduction to Innabox 💊 hello new pals! 👋

A photo of Nikky when she was a baby in a white puffy dress being held by an adult. Across the photo is text reading 'this little girl had no idea what her life had in store for her.'
Nikky, the owner of Innabox, when she was a teenager with black eyeliner and long brown hair looking to camera. The photo has text reading 'This teenage girl began to struggle with her health after a chaotic, narcissistic upbringing and a further abusive relationship'.
Nikky at her first Innabox market with a rainbow banner full of her characters and her stood behind the stall pouting to camera. There is text reading 'This woman decided to start a business and try to find herself again despite living back home with toxic parents'.
Nikky posing in front of a wall full of hers and others artwork and packing materials, she is smiling to camera with long brown and red dip dye hair. Across the photo is text reading 'This woman worked all hours and knew that she had to make a change, but felt lost and trapped'.
Nikky smiling holding up a jam donut in front of a turquoise door, she has long brown hair and wearing a large fluffy pink coat with a rainbow scarf. Across the image is text reading 'This woman tried her best to work on herself and cut out many problematic foods and tried diet after diet'.
Nikky smiling with long red brown hair and blue makeup posing in front of a red studio background in a blue jumper. Across the image is text reading 'This woman had been falling apart for years with excruciating pain and having no way out of her toxic environment. She was just a week away from a crushing diagnosis.'
Nikky smiling looking off right with Katie Abey artwork behind her wearing a bright yellow jumper and a yellow heart sticker under her left eye. There is text across the image reading 'This woman finally had some answers and tried to keep it together. Inside she was crumbling but she changed direction of her small business to empower herself and to help others'.
Nikky with reddy brown hair is sat on a red bench pouting throwing up a peace sign and wearing katie abey x run and fly positivity dungarees with a mesh lightning top. There is text across the image reading 'This woman had a whole new energy and began healing. She'd just been through a huge surgery for endometriosis and knew she had to prioritise herself from here on out.'
Nikky laying on a green stripe deck chair smiling with short red brown hair wearing the innabox red sweatshirt that reads 'f off I'm healing'. Across the image is text reading 'This woman had finally escaped the family home, moved 100 miles away and continued addressing trauma / working on her health'.
Nikky is sat down smiling looking off to the right in front of a white studio background, she has long brown hair wearing a blue innabox neurodivergent hoodie with a red denim jacket. Across the image there is text reading 'Now I am working on peace. My business is thriving, I have an incredibly supportive partner and friends and it's time to enjoy life again. I have big dreams! My health has improved a hell of a lot but it's still a work in progress and affects me day to day. Focusing on joy, looking after myself and working through trauma day by day is my main priority and I'll always be honest and authentic in sharing my journey with you all.'
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