December Thoughts & A Brand New Year

December Thoughts & A Brand New Year

My December run down as follows! 

I've spent a lot of December being fatigued and unwell unfortunately but lots of pretty awesome things have happened too as I'm about to go into. Invisible illnesses never have a day off do they?

First off, I attended my first craft fair back in almost 4 years of absence! Covid happened, surgery happened, moving happened, but now the time felt right. Plus my bestie was running it which gave me added motivation. Katie Abey was holding the fair for her shop Punny Duke's 4th Birthday! It was the perfect environment to ease back into the rhythm of things and everyone was super lovely and kind!

The day after the market I managed a trip to Sheffield to see another close friend and enjoy a catch up with some yummy but healthy food. Having two full on days left me burned out but they were so worth it. To be honest, I don't think the burn out ever leaves. It's been with me constantly within the last few months.

I was on Radio Derby again the following week! This time I actually went into the studio to talk about my life/past as well as my business and Children's book release. It was a 40 minute chat but it flew by! Raising more awareness around Endometriosis and chronic illness in general never stops.

That evening I came down with a nasty UTI that made me pee blood. It was excruciating and I am so gutted because I haven't had one as bad in almost 4 years now. I think it's a mixture of the healing I am doing with my diet and also burn out as I mentioned. Dehydration really gets me too! Have a cute pic of my kitten Ember below sitting with me in the bathroom (she was in the tub) whilst I was unable to move from the toilet. 

I recovered quickly with antibiotics and was able to have a beautiful quiet Christmas with my little family. I feel hungover from all of the cooking I did for Christmas and Boxing Day! The cats got lots of meats so they were happy.

On the 27th I had a trip to London to enjoy seeing friends and the Christmas lights. I probably should have rested after Christmas but I didn't want to cancel. I loved the day so much but was exhausted and very ill on the way home and that evening. Bladder pain had kicked up on the train and I couldn't sit down properly which was fun plus a headache where I could barely open my eyes for the rest of the evening but my partner looked after me once I got home. 

This year was our first Christmas in our own home. It felt really emotional. To think of how much has changed in a year. It's good to sit back and reflect. To practice gratitude.


I'll wrap it up here and wish you a very Happy New Year!! I hope if you're reading this that you are not putting pressure on yourself with resolutions. Chronic illness warriors try hard enough each and every day already! However you spend New Years eve/Day, I hope you have a lovely one! I am off to rest before spending tomorrow evening with my best friends. I'll see you all on the 3rd when I'm back in action for work!

Bye bye 2022!! 

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