We Have Come a Long Way! ❤️

We Have Come a Long Way! ❤️

Today is a HUGE day for Innabox :grimacing::scream: but before talking more about that, let's take a look at how far this little business has come! :sparkles: 

The Invisible Illness Club :sparkles: started just over 4 years ago. I'd been running Innabox alone for 6/7 years and it was enough for me with my health issues. Some days actually too much :joy::joy:

In 2019 I had the idea to turn my struggles into art and the first design was born that October. The invisible illness club ghostie! The little guy got so much attention that I knew I had to create more for everyone. I was suffering from a chronic UTI which is still around :upside_down_face: but hadn't had a diagnosis form my other symptoms yet.

In 2020 (oh the best year :sweat_smile:) I was finally diagnosed with severe endometriosis and told I needed a stoma bag. My world crumbled. With that plus COVID, plus living with a narc parent, I didn't see much hope. My partner Stevie (who had been running this with me now for a few years) my cats and my business literally kept me going. Plus my amazing friends. It was one of the hardest times of my life but I put everything that I had into my business to get it where it is Today.

I've kept it going through COVID, health diagnosis', a big surgery, moving home miles away, online sales crashing and more. Last year I felt ready to hit the markets again after years off due to my health and I can't thank you all enough for your support and for getting us to where we are Today!! 

Today we pitch to @rymandesign 

I am so incredibly proud of us!!! Wish us luck! :heart::heart:



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